Here is the information about the various groups that meet regularly in the parish. If anything has been omitted that you would like to see here, or if you simply want more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Office.


Parish Finance and Buildings Committee (F&BC)
This committee meets on a regular basis to assist the Parish Priest in financial matters and in the maintenance and development of our property.

Most of our income is raised through the weekly offering and parishioners may opt to use cash or standing order. A Gift Aid Coordinator is responsible for the running of this scheme that enables us to reclaim income tax paid on any donation to the parish funds. Gift Aid is a very simple way of ensuring that the parish receives extra income at no cost to the tax-paying donor.

The annual accounts are presented to the parish at an Open Meeting.

For further details about Gift Aid, or any other financial matter, please contact the F&BC via the Parish Office.

Parish Steering Committee (PSC)
The PSC comprises members representing the parish community and photographs of committee members can be seen in the parish leaflet and via the Steering Group link on this website.

The PSC meets regularly during the year to progress a range of issues related to the life of the busy and expanding parish and to address the parish agenda. Twice a year the PSC organises an Open Meeting and invites the full parish community to participate in discussions covering many issues being progressed, as well as the financial status of the parish. The Open Meeting are scheduled for the spring and autumn period.

Social Committee (SC)
The Social Group organises an event for all parishioners before Lent every year and a BBQ to celebrate the major Feast Days in our Parish. Details of events and other occasional “get-togethers” are advertised in the weekly newsletter.

Equality Act 2010
We strive to comply with requirements in the Equality Act 2010 and specifically to provide suitable access and adequate facilities to those in the parish family, or the wider community, who may have a disability. An ongoing review of access to the premises, services and social functions is conducted by representatives from the Parish Steering Committee and Finance and Buildings Committee and remedial action instituted where possible. Please let us know if you have any issues about access and equality through the Parish Office.


Children and Parents Group (in preparation)
The aim of the group is to help parents to bring their children closer to God from an early age. The group is for children 0—10 years old. At each meeting there would be an activity for the parents and the children with prayer and social time. Meetings on Saturday once a month for one hour in the Parish Hall. Children must be accompanied by at least one parent.
Suggestions and volunteers most welcomed!

Altar Servers
We have a dedicated team of altar servers – both girls and boys – who serve at all Masses and at other services, and take part in regular training sessions. In order to serve, an individual needs to have made their First Holy Communion and should speak to Fr Tom.

SVP Autumn Club
This group meets on a Wednesday afternoon once a month. It is for those who are retired and offers tea and cakes with the opportunity to meet with others. Occasional speakers and outings are arranged and transport can be provided.

Church Cleaning
A band of volunteers keep the Church clean and tidy. The job only takes about two hours and with more helpers the frequency of the task becomes less. Parents are welcome to bring young children with them and there is always the opportunity to chat as well as to polish. We believe in equal opportunities and men are not excluded from this group!

Flower Arranging
A group of people (all ladies at present) provide the floral decorations in Church for the weekends. The cost of flowers is reimbursed, equipment and advice is provided for those who wish. A BSc in flower arranging is not needed – just a willingness to experiment and learn!

Society of St Vincent de Paul
This is a group of volunteers who visit the sick and poor with a view to providing practical and spiritual support. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month in the Presbytery for prayer and to identify both candidates for assistance and their real needs. Funds are raised by donations from members and friends, occasional special collections and generous gifts from donors.

Lay Apostolate Prayer Meeting
Meets at after Mass at 11 am on the Second Wednesday of the month in the Presbytery’s dining room. All welcome.

Music Group
We have a long tradition of both traditional music and that of a more modern style. A number of musicians provide a group that plays once a month and they meet on Wednesday evenings in the Church to rehearse - anyone is welcome to join them. We have a number of organists who provide music for the liturgy but are always ready to welcome any new volunteers. There is a small group of singers who facilitate the music at Mass and perform the function of cantors as required. For any further information on this ministry, please contact the Parish Office.

Proclaim!  Is the new evangelisation movement advocated by Pope Francis and recommended by Bishop Alan in our Diocese.  See the Proclaim! section of this web site for the latest information.